Friday 5 August 2016

Global Statistics and Reports

Let us study some important reports or surveys brought by important institutions across the world in this post. They serve as basic standards for individual countries to work upon and re-orient their policies.

World Development Report
It is an annual report published since 1978 by the World Bank. Each WDR provides in-depth analysis of a specific aspect of economic development. The 2016 report titled Digital Dividends assembles the best available evidence on the Internet's potential impact in the world. The digital economy has been deepening in countries like India, but the greater automation is leading to inequalities in labour market.

Global Economic Prospects
The World Bank's twice-yearly Global Economic Prospects examines growth trends for the global economy and how they affect developing countries.The World Bank has downgraded its global forecast 2.4% from 2.9% due to sluggish growth in advanced economies, weak global trade

World Economic Situation and Prospects
It is a joint product of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the five United Nations regional commissions under UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Doing Business Report
It is an annual report published by World Bank since 2004 where the countries are ranked according to the ease of doing business. It takes into account 10 parameters like starting a business, registering property, getting credit, getting electricity etc. India has improved its rank to 130 from 134 last year.The improvement in two indicators, ‘starting a business’ and ‘getting electricity,’ pushed India up the ladder

World Economic Outlook
It is a survey conducted and published biannually by IMF. It portrays the world economy in the near and medium context, with projections for up to four years into the future. According to the recent update the global growth rate is projected to be 3.2% for 2016 and 3.5% in 2017. According to it, India, growing at 7.5% will be the fastest growing major economy in 2016-17 .

World Investment Report
It is published annually by UNCTAD since 1991. Each year´s Report covers the latest trends in foreign direct investment around the World. According to the 2016 report, US tops in FDI inflows while India is placed at the 10th position. The report describes about the role of MNCs and the issues related to their ownership or origin with respect to taxation.

Global Competitiveness Report
It is an annual report published by the World Economic Forum, a Geneva based non-profit foundation. The countries across the globe have been ranked based on the Global Competitiveness Index since 2004. According to the 2015-16 Report, India has jumped up 16 positions to rank 55th in the world. Switzerland has retained its position as the most competitive economy in the world.

Global Risk Report
It is an annual study published by the World Economic Forum ahead of the Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. It identifies the global risks that could play a critical role in the upcoming year. According to it, climate change poses the greatest risk in 2016. On the economic front, deflation is the risk of highest concern for doing business in India

Human Capital Report
The World Economic Forum’s Human Capital Report ranks 130 countries (Human Capital Index) on how well they are developing and deploying their human capital, focusing on education, skills and employment. India is placed in the 105th position according to the latest report since it could optimise only 57% of the human capital endowment. Finland has bagged the top spot.

Asian Economic Outlook Report
It is an economic publication by Asian Development Bank that provides a comprehensive analysis of macroeconomic issues in developing Asia, including growth projections by country and region. It has downgraded its economic projection for Asia, but considers South Asia marking good growth lead by India.

Global Innovation Index
It is an annual ranking of countries by their capacity for, and success in, innovation. It is published by Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization. It was started in 2007. Switzerland has topped the chart in the 2015 ranking while India is at the 81st position out of a total of 141 countries. But India has retained its top spot in South Asia.

World Trade Report
It is an annual publication from the WTO. It aims to deepen understanding about trends in trade, trade policy issues and the multilateral trading system. The theme of this year’s report is “Trade in Natural Resources: Challenges in Global Governance”

Human Development Report
It is an annual report published by the UNDP. It was developed in 1990 by the two eminent welfare economists, Mahbub Ul Haq and Amartya Sen. It measures development based on three important parameters - health, knowledge and standard of living of the people. The Scandinavian nation Norway has topped the chart while India languished at the 130th position out of a total of 188 nations. The huge inequalities in educational and health outcomes and gender differences have pulled back India.

World Environment Outlook
It is a series of reports on the environment issued periodically by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). The upcoming GEO-6, expecting to be launched in mid-2017, will build upon regional assessment processes and create a comprehensive picture of the environmental factors contributing to human well-being.

Global Hunger Index
It is a multi-dimensional statistical tool developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute to asses the situation of hunger in global nations. It was first published in 2006. The focus of the 2015 Index has been on armed conflict and chronic hunger. India has been ranked 55 in the list. According to it while one-sixth of the total population in India remains undernourished, one-fourth of the children are malnourished.

Global Peace Index
It is compiled by the Institute of Economics and Peace in consultation with global peace experts since year 2007. While Iceland is the most peaceful nation, Indian figures in the 141st position out of a total of 162 countries. In South Asia, it lags behind Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Corruption Perception Index
It is an annual survey by corruption watchdog Transparency International since 1995. According to the latest report (CPI 2015), Denmark is the "cleanest" nation, while India figures at rank 76 out of a total of 168 countries. The CPI generally defines corruption as "the misuse of public power for private benefit."

World Press Freedom Index
It is an annual ranking of countries across the globe prepared by the body Reporters sans Borders. While Finland has topped the list for the sixth consecutive year, India is ranked at the 133rd position among 180 countries across the world.

Environment Performance Index
It was developed by Yale University and Colombia University and is in practice since 2002. The EPI measures national and global protection of ecosystems and human health from environmental harm.Switzerland and the Scandinavian countries have topped the list while India is placed at the 155th position out of 178 countries in the 2014 EPI. 

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