Tuesday 27 January 2015

The strategy for preparation

I had stressed upon 3 points in my last article - the significance of the syllabus, relevance of current affairs and the ability to link different facts. Considering these, I am adopting the following approach for the effective preparation for the examination.

  • Selecting an important current issue.
  • Describing its significance with respect to the CSE.
  • Analysing the issue in an easy, interactive and graspable manner. 
  • Explaining the related terms, if any.
  • People can add more points or get your doubts clarified through the "Comments" section.

Unlike what happens in other examination preparations, here the candidate has a very greater role than that of the mentor. The very nature of the examination demands a greater commitment from the candidate and a combined effort, where every individual adds value, is the ideal model. Hence, try to inculcate a "give more, take more" attitude so that it is not just you who is benefited, but others too. I hope, this online platform can be of a great help to you. Wishing you all the very best in your endeavours.

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